Home / Blog / Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Candy Maker Kit, 1971 – Make Wonka Bars!
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Candy Maker Kit, 1971 – Make Wonka Bars!

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Candy Maker Kit, 1971 – Make Wonka Bars!

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Candy Maker Kit, 1971 - Make Wonka Bars!

Get This Choice From Lucky Cent Shop! http://luckypennyshop.com/willy-wonka-bar/ [Bottom line in video clip] 0:14 Introduction/Package Overview 1:05 Unboxing 1:46 P.
Video clip Score: 4/ 5

Delicious chocolate foi preso fazendo uma bagunça em uma escola de Mossoro, e conta toda sua Historia ao Reporter Francileno Gois, do Ronda Policial da TCM.
Video Ranking: 4/ 5



  1. LuckyPennyShop.com

    Check out this awesome Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Maker Kit!

    [Grab a Wonka Bar] http://luckypennyshop.com/willy-wonka-bar/

    #WillyWonka #ChocolateMaker #WonkaBar 

  2. This guy is TheEginnerinngFamily

  3. Omg I watched the whole thing

  4. Hey i love your videos but they are a bit long do you think we could
    shorten just a bit?

  5. Hey, i just subscribed your channnel i have to watch them all you are

  6. Can i find this on ebay?

  7. Great video! Isn’t it amazing seeing how different toys used to be?

  8. I like your videos….buy an easter egg set

  9. You got a new sub! You really deserve it you took all that time just to
    entertain us! Thx!!!!

  10. My best ever movie and your revewing it THANKS!

  11. Mohammed Ashek Salam

    love your video

  12. Hi l love your videos thay are arsome 

  13. LPS deserves to have at least 1 million subs he works so hard to please
    people at whatever time of the day just like me and he is amazing in every
    way keep it up LPS Dave :)

  14. Hey LPS I was wondering how u started the channel and what inspired you to
    make this channel big? :)

  15. the oompa loompa was suppose to be hollow so it wouldnt take so long to

  16. You got a new sub

  17. You can add some white and red to make orange

  18. RainbowMUDKIPZ Funz And Gamez

    You guys are so cool! 😛 I love your videos! So entertaining!

  19. U talk toooooooooooo muuuuch

  20. Iv had captain crunch

  21. can you bey me one

  22. an HOUR long?!!?!?!?

  23. I watched the entire thing, and I have to say, when you can keep my
    attention for so long, and have me looking at your other videos, you’ve got
    a good thing going! Btw, the santa at the end must have had air bubbles on
    his eyes, because he looks lazy eyed. 

  24. Okay! Thanks for your help! About how much money was it on eBay?

  25. Always be positive about youtube comments if someone says something mean
    than you laugh at it and move on your videos are amazing dave and i hope
    you never stop doing youtube or never stop doing these types of videos

  26. Poucos são sincero q nem esse homem

  27. daqui pro inferno você arruma o que você cume kkkkkkkkkkkkk

  28. anderson costa maia


  29. chinelo lixo da sociedade tem que botar num campo de exterminio um lixo

  30. prenderam José de Anchieta? Daqui a pouco vão descobrir que Pedro Álvares
    Cabral é o chefe da quadrilha. 

  31. nss vaiii pa igreja q é melhor… :)

  32. e o cara ainda vai ser liberado vei, que país que é esse?

  33. reporte mouco da porra o cara afirmou umas 4 vezes que foi 3 “NOKIBUKI” e
    dois computador e o reporte teima e dizer que foi 2 NOKIBUKI


  35. 29 anos com cara de 59. Lamentável o poder destrutivo dessa droga.

  36. Elenice Oliveira da Rosa

    Video chocolate

  37. Gilcirlene Freire

    vergonha e pro nosso pais imundo que não oferece tratamento
    adequado para essas pessoas , viciadas e q não consegue se conter
    diate dessa situação!…….

  38. Marcela Castellani


  39. Jhonson Gracer?

  40. é o ice blue do racionais!!!

  41. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk esee e doido

  42. Jamalzi Toiletman

    O cara foi assassinado da forma mais humilhante possível, da mesma forma do
    ichuru cabelo tonight
    descansem em paz chocolate e ichuru

  43. sinceridade Pura Chocolatte sou fã já kkkk

  44. chocolate e muito engraçaddo bichu doido viu vucgu chocolate

  45. carroceiro esperto em !

  46. ele foi assassinado? alguem sabe dizer como foi?

  47. Eduardo Fernandes

    3 Noquibu uhauhauahuahuahuah…..

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