Truffle Dish: http://goo.gl/NkQOq Subscribe: http://bit.ly/H2CThat How you can Cook That Network: http://youtube.com/howtocookthat Make Delicious chocolate Truffles, easy …

Kinder Shock Eggs Barbie My Little Horse as well as The Zelfs Play Doh Surprise Egg Toys. Unboxing 3 Barbie Shock Kinder Eggs that had Barbie Toys as well as Bachelor’s degree …
does anyone know what song she uses at the end of her videos?
hi my name is jada i am 10 years old. I like all of your truffle videos and
wanted to know if you can make a birthday truffle with a birthday designs
on it thank you
theses are odd flavors :)
not only am i doing this for my halloween party but i will aslo do this for
a christmas present. X3
I’m going to select my 6 favourites (from all three videos) and make 25
lots of them and give them away to my friends for Christmas! 🙂 so they get
6, one of each flavour. Can’t wait 😀 I’m scared about tempering but I hope
I can follow your video fairly easily 🙂 I’ve worked with chocolate before.
Wish me luck! Where could I post pictures when I’m done? 🙂 thank you for
these great recipes and tutorials! X
Strawberry chocolate
i love your accent and all your videos desu^^
I think marzipan or green tea would be yummy to try. So if you could make
those two that would be amazing!!!!
Ann can you make cookies and cream please?
Hi Ann! I am a big fan I told rossana Pansino from nerdy nummies that you
made a cupcake for her she said thank you so much! And BTW I love your
its my cousins birthday, and she loves dark chocolate cakes can u video a
dark chocolate dutch truffle cake for me so that i can surprise her with
the love of her life…..
I like when you cook with chocolate 🙂 Can you do it more often? Can you
do a big marabou? Thank you :-D
What about Marzipan truffle like they do at Sees Candies? And a candied
chocolate ginger truffle also from Sees Candies?
can you make a wedding cake not with fruit cake chocolate
I wish you were my mom… i would get so much chocolate :D
You should make cookie dough dipped in chocolate truffles
i wanted 2 know how 2 make a brownie truffle ……
n ur episode was just amzin
Can u make a brain shaped truffle plz plz plz
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sees candies bourdeux
Hi! I think you are awesome! you have great ideas cooking please tell me,
are there some brands of the chocolate you use the most you could share
with me? I love milk chocolate but there are some brands that are not rich
or creamy enough to make some of this wonderful truffles you make THANK YOU
Turkish delight truffles and lamington and honeycomb
Did you guys noticed the coffee bean flying, when she added the coffee to
the cream? xD
Peppermint ! Caramel. Salted.
Chocolate stroberry
You’re kind of wasting food when you just throw away the chalk like that
why don’t you just save it for dessert or something?! Oh and OMG cookie
swirl I so love your did Dios and I really hope that sometime my mom will
let me send in some cookie fan mail!!
Lol i was just thinking Pinky Pie and it was :P
The first zelf surprise the character name Buttershy kinda reminds me of
the name Fluttershy
even i love pink pie babie actress
B2cuteCupcakes said she will be on Disney car toys
that’s cute
I love the actress Barbie doll.
Have you got smelly self
do you keep the playdoh and do you eat the choclot.
Where did you get the my little pony toys?
ok im done
What I’m confused is Disney car toys and Disney car toys club the same?
Ps.I love your videos
I got the pinkie pie squishie thing and and my favorite was pinkie pie
shes realy adorable
My fav was my litte
Pony in the zefles they were so cute in thank you for the best time ever.
Thanks Amy and Brandon I love your vidio
I like the docter barbey
i love the cute zelfs
war dais play dow ceme from
Why don’t you Eat the chocolate
Amy way don’t you eta the chocolate of the kindor eggs
I got the rainbow dash mlp squishy toy for the grand galloping gala theme
Gdaaaaauf c u
Greij ml
Grkmkokkj MK kl l