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Martins Chocolatier making chocolate decorations

Martins Chocolatier making chocolate decorations

Making delicious chocolate designs. Simple but incredible chocolate job. With unique thanks to Barry callebaut from www.martinschocolatier.com Tel: 0044 8450099311o …
Video clip Rating: 4 / 5



  1. Fantástico…

  2. tramanh lephuong

    I have just finished a chocolate decorating course .Now I will practise
    these skills at home.Thanks a lot.

  3. quite a labour not something to do at home (too many utensils and skills

  4. Veronica aparecida claudio


  5. Veronica aparecida claudio
  6. whats up with the toothpick.. doesnt look good

  7. Amazing thanks for sharing

  8. Bloody fantastic, great control of using knives and all your other tools
    etc, thanks so much for a great video :)

  9. Amazing and i want you as father

  10. شادي شومان

    فن التزيين بالشوكولا

  11. Bravooooo. Magic hand 

  12. i want the chocolatier!!!!

  13. Excelente

  14. fantastico, agradeço

  15. Amazing 

  16. He’s sexy the way he touch chocolate 

  17. Why not just let the machines do the work? It won’t be artisanal, yes, but
    it’s more time/cost efficient..

  18. super video !!!! Thank You :)

  19. Just viewed ur vid and its quite amazing that even my little granddaughter
    says that u r HOT

  20. mahinda karunathilaka

    u’r good chef.,i also chef , u saying it’s good for learning ,thank uuuuu

  21. canudinhos de chocolate tiras rolinhos etc

  22. decoração com chocolate

  23. omg he is amazing

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