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How is Chocolate Made

How is Chocolate Made

Discover out how chocolate is made. The chocolate production procedure begins with shelling and roasting fine cacao beans. http://www.chocolateselrey.com.

These days I produced Cooking Mama Chocolate Cornets in celebration of the new game coming out! I really enjoy making nerdy themed goodies and decorating them. I am not a pro, but I love baking as a…
Video Rating: four / 5



  1. lol i just ate white chocolate

  2. That was hot.

  3. Is it because I’m from a different culture I call it Cocoa? Because
    wherever I search it’s always Cacoa

  4. i call it coca

  5. Cocoa pods>> remove seeds>> dry seeds> natural fermentation > shell removal
    > cocoa nibs roasting > grinding into liquid> mix with milk and sugar to
    make milk chocolate

  6. por favor me podrias mandar un video donde explique todo el proceo pero en
    panih pls

  7. fuck Chavez 

  8. Ooh, you can almost smell it!

  9. cocoa not cocao. how annoying

  10. every chocolate maker says they chose the best ingredients and finest beans
    do you think it’s true? i noticed the beans they are using nothing
    different from the cocoa fruits grown at my grandma’s backyard.

  11. @TheNova5, where are the oompa loompas?

  12. How can the workers keep their mouths shut? I mean why aren’t they growing
    obese day bay day? Why are the packaging machines under full load always?
    Why is that guy inserting the probe at 3:01 and not his goddamned tongue???
    Did they lose their senses??? Oh my God I can’t control myself upon this
    video!!! I will drink the whole factory up…

  13. lol close..coca is the cocaine leaf

  14. The workers seem pretty happy.

  15. i love that im eating choclate now !!!

  16. I bought chocolate chip cookies and I went straight to this video, there I
    said it

  17. I am the number 1 chocolate lover!!!

  18. @SuperTruth77 WTF

  19. @TheFanta913 same here 🙂 what chocolate did you eat?

  20. This helped me do all my homework (=

  21. I would not be able to work there. I’d prolly get fired for stealing to
    much chocolate. 🙂

  22. I hope you have a great weekend everybody! I am filming more Nerdy Nummies
    today. See you all on Tuesday 🙂 ♥♥♥

  23. Bakers gonna bake :)

  24. CeletialDarkness

    five nights at freddy’s pizza!

  25. Stephanie Michealis

    *cough* LUCKY STAR *cough*
    Given that, here’s a question: Which end of a chocolate cornet is the head?
    The thin end or the fat end?

  26. Those look delicious…..

  27. Do five night at freddy’s



  29. MegumiHamasakiVA

    For some reason, I thought it was gonna be Lucky Star themed. .-.

  30. Courageous Tacocat

    If anyone who lives in Australia sees this, you can grab these at Bread
    Top! 😀 They are amazing!

  31. MAMA!!! >w<

  32. You should do bmo from adventure time 

  33. What if every time Taylor swift said bake instead of shake in shake it

  34. Make something one direction or wwe themed

  35. can you make a princess jasmine cake

  36. Better than mama

  37. Can you make elsa and anna cup cake

  38. ItsOwenTime 1000

    I only have the first cooking mama :(

  39. do some thing five nights at freddy s on nerdy nummies pls

  40. Mangle the fax I’m getting soooooooo annoyed of you saying yes Patrick
    because who the heck is yes Patrick?

  41. Solangce Karamantana

    Hii can you please make a one direction cake because i’m an directioner
    please i love you so much xoxo

  42. Not to be rude, but why do you say “Melk”? Just wondeing bcz “melk” is the
    norwegian word for milk..

  43. when I first saw this video I though this is going to be a good video . you
    should make cupcakes make from the walking dead .

  44. my mom says i should be a baker becase i love bakeing like today i mite
    make cupcakes with my easybake oven becase my brother and dad are coming
    back home yay so ya i hope u get this message Rosanna Pansino and hope u
    replay i really love ur vides do more

  45. Cathrine lov'in it

    Did anyone else see the dinosaurs having sex in the back

  46. Is cooking Mama mo 

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